Screening test information in MCQ
Fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, loss of smell without nasal congestion, muscle pain, headache, severe fatigue, severe loss of appetite and diarrhea
Step 1
Complete the COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool
Step 2
If a screening test is required, make an appointment:
- By Internet using the “Clic Santé portal”
- By phone : 1 877 644-4545
* There is no more walk-in.
Step 3
Take the test
Step 4
Isolate yourself while waiting for your result if:
- You have symptoms of COVID-19, or have had symptoms within the last 10 days;
- You have been identified as a moderate or high risk contact by Public Health;
- You’re back from a trip abroad.
If you dot meet any of these criteria, you can continue your activities, while respecting general health measures.
Step 5
Get your result from the screening test:
- By phone if your test is positive;
- By email or phone if your test is negative.
Step 6
Write to us if you have not received your result within 72 hours of your test at
It is important to mention the following information:
- Last name and first name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Phone number
- Date of you screening test
- RAMQ number